Money Psychology - The Inner Game of Mastering Money

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm going to be talking about the psychology of money the deep root of all your money problems I haven't spoken to you much about my dad but the story of my dad was very instructive for me and understanding and shaping my relationship towards money my dad is very interesting character and I don't have time to go into all the details of it but in a nutshell all my childhood and basically through my teens until I became an adult the situation in my family with money was that my dad was the main breadwinner and he was always off scheming and coming up with different business ideas he was very entrepreneurial and that sounds great right except the problem was is that every time he came up with some new endeavor for how to make money it would start off sort of promising and good and then it would collapse and so then he was sort of new endeavor and then it would collapse and a new endeavor and that one would collapse at every single time it collapsed and this happened over the course of 20 or 30 years basically my entire life and I grew up in the situation and so although we were never poor we were actually sort of like upper-middle class but uh we had this sort of sine wave if you plotted our money situation over time it would be a sine wave some moments it was a lot of money coming in and other moments we had so little money that our electricity was turned off and we would have to light candles in the house because we had no lighting or air conditioning so that was interesting and that um that whole situation ultimately led to the destruction of my entire family like literally that destroyed my entire family and all of that came about because my dad basically was not conscious enough to recognize the inner game of money and the psychological neurotic obstacles that were there for him the key insight that I want you to take away from this discussion is that money problems are not economic problems they are not business problems they are first and foremost psychological problems this is very difficult for many people to wrap their mind around because when you have financial problems and you're struggling with money in whatever way there's a lot of different ways in which you could struggle with money you have too little of it or you're spending too much of it or you're hoarding it or some other problem that you have with money this is not fixed just by getting an infusion of cash people think like oh well if I just had more cash however I could get more cash that would solve everything actually it's very counterintuitive because your problems are psychological they're in here they're not out there no matter how much that might seem to be the case so cash will not fix it in fact if you ever do get an infusion of cash you might be surprised to learn like some people who get it that that doesn't really solve your problems your patterns continue your problems with money continue over and over and over again it's the same thing as dysfunctional relationships right if you have a pattern of dysfunctional relationships the problem is not the people that you're relating to the way we would think like all this this right this girlfriend here she wasn't right for me or this boyfriend wasn't right for me no it's an inner game problem you're going to keep having those bad relationship problems over and over and over again until you realize that hey I got to turn inwards and really take a look at my beliefs attitudes and my entire paradigm of relationships and the same thing goes with money see money is really a hot-button emotional issue and this is interesting because we would maybe think that money is not an emotional issue we might think that all money you know it's actually a very cut and dried rational sort of issue either you have the money or you don't either you're rich or you're poor either the economy is good or it's bad or your business is doing good or it's doing bad like look at the numbers but money is very emotional it's sort of like religion or like politics right these are sorts of issues that people get very heated about and very emotional about and of course that's exactly why there are so many problems in these domains of life because when we get emotional about stuff we tend to make errors and we tend to go unconscious and not see how the actions that we take backfire on us that was the case with my dad it's probably the case with you if you repeatedly struggle with money uh also notice that with money your relationship to money is largely shaped by your family's relationship with money when you were growing up when you were a kid and a teenager think back and take a look at the overarching relationship that your whole family had towards money did your parents agree with each other about it or were they fighting with each other about it maybe they had different philosophies that's how it was with my dad and my mom they had totally different philosophies about money or maybe both of them agreed but they both agreed that money was very difficult to make or that those evil corporations were responsible for making it so difficult for us to make money or something like that or maybe the opposite maybe both your parents were very lavish and they lavished you with money and they were you know spending it left and right so the key here to understanding money is to understand that mostly you adopted many of your beliefs and attitudes towards money in your childhood largely unconsciously you just soaked it up from your environment and now though as an adult you live based on those patterns or maybe if you're like me actually in reaction against them so like if your parents were very wasteful with money then maybe now you react against it and now you're very stingy with money or the opposite and some people think that well if I am just doing the opposite of my parents that means if they were dysfunctional and I'm doing the opposite that means now I'm healthy and functional and actually know often what happens that you're actually swinging the pendulum from one end of the spectrum of dysfunction to the opposite end of the spectrum dysfunction and what you're living as an adult is you're living in reaction to those emotional problems that your parents endured and that then you have to endure as well and what this does is when now you're an adult and you're facing money challenges it makes it appear as though the money challenges are really external obstacles in the outer world like you don't have the right job or you're not in the right business or you just don't have enough money in your bank account and these seem like external obstacles but that's rarely the case what I find is that external obstacle sensibiy illusions in fact you got to turn inwards take a look inside at your really core attitudes and paradigms about money and then you will be able to solve almost all your money problems if you only get the inner game right I'll tell you another brief little story and that was when I was a teenager I like to read books like biographies and I'm one of my favorite biographies another teenager was I read about Bill Gates and I was really fascinated I read the history of Bill Gates and how he started windows and I also read about Apple Computer and stuff like that and so this was happening in like Silicon Valley in the 1960s and 70s and just from reading this book I picked up some negative beliefs about money and about business from reading this book I got this image because the narrative in the book was that it was such a heyday in the 60s and 70s with Silicon Valley that when I was growing up in the 90s in the early 2000s I actually felt really negative about my prospects at starting a business because I felt like well Bill Gates and Steve Jobs could do it in the 1960s and 70s because that was the heyday and now it's gone all the big companies are already here and they all took over and now how am I going to make my money and I actually turn that into a limited narrative and that held me back for a long time from starting my business and I had to work through that and overcome that and it was really funny because actually while I had this very limiting narrative about my prospects in business very ironically those were like the most boom times because I lived through the whole starting of the internet in the late 90s and early 2000s that was the whole internet boom and then also the mobile boom which happened starting in like 2007 and through 2010 that was the mobile boom and both of those had even more potential to earn money then the Bill Gates era and the Steve Jobs era in the 1970s with Silicon Valley but actually because my mindset was so limited from this narrative that I just picked up from reading one book and misinterpreting what that book said that um that really limited me and what I was able to do until I undid some of that stuff so the bottom line is that you really have to very carefully look and assess how you think about money and how you relate to money money is an entire domain of life it's a huge area of life that requires a lot of work and knowledge to master see most people don't treat it that way most people think of money as like Oh cash that's what money means it means cash no money for me is an entire domain of mastery in the same way that intimate relationships could be a domain of mastery business could be a domain of mastery um sexuality could be a domain of mastery you know consciousness or meditation could be a domain of mastery so I can't go into all the details of how to master money because that would be a very long discussion you could have long courses and entire seminars about that but what I do want to do is I want to help you to really wrap your mind around this idea that money is mostly a psychological issue rather than external world issue and the way we're going to do that is by just showing you what are all the psychological aspects that create money problems well firstly its fears think about all the fears that you might have or people around you might have about money for a lot of people the prospect of not having money not being able to pay your mortgage actually conjures up a flight or fight response and it can feel like you're dying when you aren't able to pay your bills on time it can actually feel like you might actually get the sense that I'm gonna go broke and then be out on the street and I literally am gonna die that's how it could feel to you and that could actually be coursing through your body that emotion and of course that affects your entire attitude towards money but you might also have other more subtle fears and anxieties with money so that whole of course domaine a fear and anxiety that's all psychological and then think about how that affects your performance in business how that affects your performance at work how that influences your strategic decisions when you're trying to plan or to save money or to decide what to buy right these emotions get in the way and they sabotage your performance also there's this whole issue of emotional spending a lot of people spend their money emotionally not very rationally and that creates all sorts of problems with them we've seen celebrities celebrities who earn millions of dollars a year who are on TV or in the tabloids and we see about them having money problems how could it be that they have money problems they make so much money well it's because if you have an emotional spending problem which is psychological it's purely psychological then no matter how much money you make you could be the highest-paid celebrity in Hollywood and you will still have money problems you see Michael Jackson is a great example of this there's also emotional hoarding which is the opposite of emotional spending so maybe for example you were like me and because your parents and during your childhood you didn't have that much money so now as an adult you're actually kind of hyper vigilant and sensitive to that and so you try to kind of defend yourself by building up a nice little nest egg for yourself right and that might seem like well I'm being responsible what's bad about being responsible that seems a healthy relationship towards money except what happens when you're hyper stingy and you're hoarding money and you're using that as sort of an emotional crutch that's emotional hoarding and then that comes back to bite you in the ass that mechanism backfires because then if you're like me you know I actually have to work through this because it was difficult for me to actually make important purchase decisions to actually pull the trigger on buying a book or buying the right course or going to the right seminar because I just had this emotional need to hoard money and not to spend it and that bit me in the ass because I needed to spend it strategically to make important investments there's also all the limiting beliefs that revolve around money and there's so many of these that we pick up from our society from our family what are they well here's a short list the economy is not good enough that's why I struggle with money corporations have all the power that's why I struggle with money I can't make big money in my field yeah sure if I was a doctor or a dentist or a lawyer then I could make nice money but because I chose to be a marine biologist a yoga instructor or an artist because of that that's why I struggle with money or maybe you have the belief that competition is too steep to earn good money or maybe you believe that there's just not enough to go around and there's only so much money and there's seven billion people on earth so because there's so many people on earth well no wonder I struggle with money maybe you believe that or maybe you believe that you can't start a business because you don't have enough capital and you need capital to start a business and so therefore there's catch-22 that without capital you can't start a business and so that prevents you from starting a business or maybe you're not interested in business maybe you just have a nine-to-five job a regular career and the reason you struggle with money you believe is because my boss is a jerk that's why Leo it's because my boss doesn't appreciate me and he's very stingy and so of course that's why I struggle with money what can I do about that or maybe you have to believe that it's your company see you work in a corporation and it's the company who's stingy who's screwing me over what can I do about that I can't change the entire corporate culture or maybe you believe that money is hard to make that's a very common belief think about where that belief might have come from well probably from your family right if money was difficult to make for your mom and your dad then you will probably believe that it's actually difficult to make now you might say well Leo we all know money is difficult to make well no not really you believe that because you struggled with it for most of your life but there are people out there who actually believe that money is easy to make and it's pretty crazy once you get a little bit of success and you realize how money really works and you get your psychology the inner game of money dialed in you can make money very easily very easily it can be shocking how easy it is to make money when you dial in your inner game and most people who I would tell that to if they struggle with money they can't even believe that that's so far outside their paradigms that they can't believe that because their beliefs are so unconscious to them when you believe something like money is hard to make your mind doesn't hold it as a belief your mind actually thinks that this is true and this is how reality is so it really shapes what's possible for you that's why these beliefs are so critical or maybe you believe that money is evil it's a source of corruption and evil in the world and if you believe that where did that belief come from well probably from your family right if your parents thought that maybe your parents grew up in a Protestant or a Catholic sort of upbringing and they developed these beliefs about how money is the root of all evil and then they imprinted those beliefs into you and now you hold those beliefs and you look around and you say well but Leo it is evil look at all the damage that money does in politics and look how much it destroys the environment and how these corporations are so unethical in what they do with money you know money corrupts people and money is all about power and this sort of stuff and while that might be true for some people that doesn't necessarily mean that money is evil and if you think that money is evil think about how that's going to limit your ability to make money because you're judging this thing called money and you might judge that all that guy right there you know he's so rich he's a rich billionaire and so he's evil but guess what you're also partaking in the game of making money maybe you aren't a billionaire but still you go to a job and you make money and while you judge him you also secretly at the same time judge yourself for making money and that can be a huge limiting belief or maybe you have limiting beliefs like oh that thing right there is too expensive I can't afford that I could never afford that I could never afford a million-dollar house and I could never afford afford myself that car or I can never afford to go on this kind of vacation and then that becomes true for you some people have this belief that everyone is trying to scam them it's like Oh leo you're trying to sell me some sort of course or something or some of these self-help authors you know I go to a seminar and then they try to upsell me on stuff they're just trying to scam me I know how it works I know how it works these self-help authors all they do is to just write books they don't help anyone but themselves the whole thing is just scam if you have that kind of belief then think about how much that limits you when you need to go out if you're going to be successful in life and you're going to be wealthy guess what you're gonna have to hire people to help you you'll probably have to hire coaches consultants you're gonna have to go to seminars buy books and programs and some of those could be very expensive and if you think that all these people are trying to scam you think about how many avenues you're cutting off for yourself with that one belief or maybe you believe that business is anti spiritual think about how that limits your ability to do business and you might say well Leo I do believe that business is anti spiritual and that's why I don't have a business that's why I just go to my nine-to-five job that's very funny because when people say that what are you doing when you're going you're not my job what is that that's business too so if you believe that business is evil and anti spiritual you've really painted yourself into a corner because again secretly deep down inside your mind knows that when you're going to your job you are engaging in business you have to engage in business in one way or another to survive you need money to survive you see so you can't damned money because if you do that means you're damning yourself not just through people but you're also damning yourself at the same time so you can start to see how a lot of these beliefs can be dysfunctional and how they can backfire and a lot of these beliefs they're just not true their constructions they've been concocted by your mind or just picked up from your childhood environment and they can be changed you can take every one of these beliefs and flip them upside down into their polar opposites and Wow when you do that that takes some work but when you do that that will really change your struggles with money other facets of money that are psychological are playing the victim a lot of these limiting beliefs that I said already play into this narrative of being the victim but just to say a few more points about this you know a lot of people have excuses about why they struggle with money as though it's inherently the norm like its natural to struggle with money and so they have all sort of excuses like well it's my boss it's my company it's the economy it's the corporation structure you know the damn corporations who have taken all the the best job so now you know how can I compete with them as a one-man shop all these excuses but these are all excuses because you know what companies if you're in a bad company you could change companies if you're in a bad industry you can change industries the economy I made some of the most money I've ever made my entire life during the worst economic time in my entire life which is the 2008 crash when that 2008 crash happened the global collapse of the economy and the US economy especially the stock market tanked and all that I was making more money at that time than ever in my entire life pretty funny you know so a lot of people have these sorts of excuses as though they're stuck in their job as though they're stuck in their line of work and they're stuck in their business and they're tied to the economy but the fact is that those are all excuses and a lot of those excuses are emotional because you know what it's scary to go out there and start a business it's scary to change your career it's scary to go into work and to ask for a promotion that you think you deserve but maybe you're afraid that if you ask for too much they'll fire you I've been there that's scary to do so of course it's much easier to play the victim and to come up with all sorts of excuses and that's emotionally based can you see how that's emotionally based it's your fears that are creating your excuses which are then making you play the victim which are then leading to your money problems also procrastination think about how procrastination reinforces your money problems procrastination with paying the bills procrastination on starting your dream project or your dream business or procrastination on going back to school to learn the skills you need to get a better degree to then be better at your job and then to earn more money but you keep procrastinating on that again and again and again what's procrastination it's a purely emotional psychological issue think about also materialism the trap of materialism thinking basically that money will lead to fulfillment and the solution to all your problems in life a lot of people fall prey to this and this entire attitude of materialism what is this this is based on beliefs which are for psychological it's based on emotional needs that you have that you are trying to fill with materialism it's this sort of emptiness or this void that you're trying to fill with materialism which will never work but you don't know that until you really know that you see a lot of people don't know that even when I tell them they still can't believe it because this is such a counterintuitive thing and that whole dynamic of materialism is purely a psychological problem it's not an outer world problem it's a psychological thing another problem with money comes from improperly earning money there's a lot of different ways that you can earn money and a lot of them are improper what does that mean well you can get involved with all sorts of businesses or schemes or multi-level marketing or whatever which can earn you some money in the short run but in the long run it's going to lead to all sorts of disasters which I can attest to because I've seen my dad do this over and over and over again he was the master of finding ways to earn money that were really not proper and not wise and what was that driven by it was driven by psychology it's that need to have an immediate result it's that sort of impatience that you have which is what everybody has when they go to try to start a business using some get-rich-quick scheme what is the get-rich-quick scheme preying on its preying on you wanting money now which is of course an emotional trigger and they know how to press that button in you so that you buy their get-rich-quick scheme which rarely tends to work and then that just fuels your struggles with money also improperly prioritizing money a lot of people put money way too high on their list of values because they think that well money should go above family and it should go above relationships and it should go above my ethics and it should go above consciousness and personal growth and if you do that you start to run into a lot of problems but why do you prioritize money so highly again probably because of fears and emotional needs that you have improperly investing money is also rooted in psychological problems a lot of people make bad terrible investments and they fall prey to various financial traps that exist such as credit cards variable rate mortgages various pyramid schemes and multi marketing schemes bad stock investments bad real estate investments and why do they do that well because they're not very aware it's an awareness problem they're not aware of these traps and also because they get seduced emotionally seduced into these traps because these traps offer something easy something quick something lucrative and that's rooted in psychology another facet that's psychological about money is a lack of long-term strategy a lot of people don't sit down and actually create a long-term strategy for their finances and then that leads them to just going with whatever is going to work in the show term and that leads to disaster when it comes to your finances also psychologically rooted is lack of discipline and lack of proper money habits if you don't have the right habits financially installed in your life you're going to struggle with finances and if you lack the discipline with investing with working on your career with working on your business that sort of stuff you know all that requires discipline checking your bank account statements checking your expenditures versus your income if you lack discipline in all those areas and of course discipline is largely a psychological problem if you lack discipline then you're going to have financial problems for the rest of your life also lack of knowledge and education most people who struggle with money just don't really understand how money really works they haven't taken the time to sit down and learn it and that leads to disastrous results in your life and why didn't they sit down to learn it well it's probably a psychological issue because they were too lazy or because it was too boring for them they couldn't motivate themselves to learn about money to master money to educate themselves or they thought that it wasn't necessary and then that created problems and lastly avoiding and ignoring money some people they might say well the arm a spiritual person maybe I'm a very artistic creative person I don't want to worry about money facts and figures that was never my forte so I'll just leave that to somebody else and they ignore the whole situation and that ends up being disastrous because if you avoid the issue of money if you avoid learning about it and changing your early childhood beliefs which are tend to be very naive if you avoid getting the inner game of money dialed in because you just ignore it uh that's probably rooted in some psychological emotional stuff that you had going on in childhood and then what happens is disaster because you can't really go through life and avoid this domain called money it's a very big domain you're gonna run into it no matter what whether you start a business or don't money is gonna affect a lot of things in your life so you can't just say oh I'm just going to avoid it I'm just going to ignore it cuz it's not my forte can't do that in the same way that you can't really go through life and say something like well you know health health just not my forte I'm gonna ignore health I'm an ignore Fitness I'm gonna ignore nutrition if you do that you will get terrible results in your life you're you'll die a lot sooner than you should have so um I'm hoping that you're starting to see here how many psychological facets that are too many they tend to be a lot more nuanced than we originally think and because we don't look very deeply into them it makes it appear as though money is an external obstacle when in fact it's not what I want to give you is I want to give you sort of a big-picture ideal of what you should be shooting for when it comes to money psychology what does healthy money psychology look like because I've been describing a lot of dysfunctional stuff well here's a quick list for you first is that you're fully aware of the trap of materialism and you really understand that materialism does not work at all it just cannot work you will never be fulfilled by having money and none of your other problems in life will really be solved by having money also you've identified many emotional reactive triggers and hot buttons that you have with respect to money so stuff that you need to buy or fears you have from your childhood or whatever emotional reactive pad you've identified those and you become very aware of them that's part of this big picture ideal also you're not ideological about money you don't hold money as good or as evil you really drop many of your beliefs about money so that you hold it as rather neutral also you've made yourself aware of many of the money traps that have been constructed by society what do I mean by money traps well it's all the stuff like shopping credit cards mortgages pyramid schemes bad investments the dangers of the stock market you've educated yourself about these and you're very wary of them and you're not tempted emotionally tempted to get lured into these traps because make no mistake about it a lot of these are traps that were very carefully designed by people to get your money also as this ideal you have an abundance mindset which means that you don't think that money is limited and that you need to fight others and that it's a win-lose situation you hold it as a win-win situation that you can create abundance for yourself that's an entire attitude that you have to develop and it can be difficult to develop that if you grew up in a lower-class or a middle class family where this sort of abundance wasn't there it goes contrary to many of your direct experiences it feels like a fantasy and so there you have to work on your beliefs and believe it or not it's possible to develop that also as part of this ideal is you take 100% responsibility for your money situation and you don't make any excuses or you don't blame anybody else it's not your mom it's not your dad it's not the economy it's not the president it's not your company it's only you and it's your inner game that makes a difference and you recognize that and that gives you all the power because now you can change that also you're using money strategically investing it strategically mostly in yourself so that the money is paying dividends for you and you're taking a long-term view of things so you're actually sitting down and you're planning out and you're strategizing with respect to money rather than just treating money as something that comes in or something that goes out and you sort of just kind of like look at it on a weekly or a monthly basis no you're looking at this more in terms of years and decades you have a long term view with respect to your finances and lastly as part of this ideal is that you really taken the time to position yourself in life so that money has become a byproduct of your deepest passion this is very important I've spent probably a decade of my life putting this puzzle piece in place because it's such an important puzzle piece money should come to you as a byproduct of doing your greatest passion not from just going to a nine-to-five job and trying to pay the bills you can get money that way but that's so inefficient that's so much less than you're capable of and you will definitely have money problems if you don't set it up this way and how do you set it up this way well I have a cold course you have to find your life purpose which I have a whole course on over 30 hours of content explaining how I set this up in my life so that my greatest passion is creating money for me and you can definitely do that for yourself but that takes work in a lot of explanations so you might want to check out my course if you're interested in figuring that out so uh that's sort of like the ideal that you're shooting for now you might wonder ok Leo but how do I actually do this because a lot of this stuff is abstract and what I really need is money tell me how to make money well that's the trap right there already is being too eager and too focused on just getting cash well you need to do is need to slow down you need actually turn inwards really turn inwards start to observe your money patterns start to observe your spending habits start to observe how your earning income where is your income coming from and why is it coming from those places what's motivating you to get that income is it just to pay the bills is that your motivation and is that really a high quality motivation so you want to start to become more conscious of that apply awareness to the problem that will fix a lot of stuff for you that will not be fixed just by getting cash in your pockets getting cash in your pockets does not fix almost any of these psychological aspects in fact it can actually make them worse then what you do is after you've been observing your patterns is you decide that you're going to master this domain this is a whole domain of mastery in the same way that relationships are fitness and health is meditation and enlightenment is you know these are all different facets of life and money is a facet of life and at some point in your life you're probably have to say okay enough is enough I can't just wing this anymore I have to go read the books I have to go find the expert advice I have to maybe go take some training some courses some seminars this sort of stuff get some coaching on this so that I've really mastered this domain once and for all and then I could be making intelligent strategic choices and so you decide they're going to master this domain and then what you do is you get to work doing the research doing the research not get to work to earn money get to work doing research about money people don't do this nearly enough which means you got to go find the books read the books take notes on the books go find the courses go find the seminars spend a few years doing this go get therapy or coaching on your money issues from your childhood we're those needs release those fears look at your emotional triggers and buttons with respect to how you're spending money and why you need to be earning money take a look at this trap of materialism that you have this idea that if I just had more money than I could have all my problems in my life solved and fix all that and then you'll be in a good position that will be a solid foundation that you're building and after you do that I think that the most important thing is life purpose find your life purpose and align your career or your business with that so that your greatest passion is the source of your income in life be very careful about this trap of asking people to tell you how to make money maybe you watch this episode and you're thinking now well Leo you've talked a lot about a philosophical abstract psycho babble but you didn't actually tell me how to make money give me a one two three step formula for how I can start a business and make money I deliberately didn't give that to you because you cannot become wealthy through some one two three step formula it doesn't work like that what you need to do is you need to build the foundation think about it this way if we wanted to grow a gigantic tree that sprouted a lot of fruit that could feed a whole village of people what would we do would we spend all our time focusing on the leaves and the fruit of the tree no what we would do is we would spend all our time cultivating and strengthening the roots of the tree making sure that it has the strongest root system possible the foundation and then the leaves and the fruits would take care of themselves that's what you got to do here avoid the trap of just going for cash that's never going to work that's always going to backfire and it's going to lead to this recurring problem of you struggling with money over and over and over and over again I've been there I've seen my dad do it it's a very painful way to go through life so what I decided to do early in my life is I said you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna develop a deep foundation for my security for my financial security my life that's going to be based on proper psychological mindsets and life purpose and then from that making money becomes easy it's really effortless and it becomes a joy because you get to go to work do the things you love to do and then money just pours in and isn't that really what you want but how do you get there it's not by buying some sort of blueprint for some business in a box business in a box doesn't work you're gonna have to be creative in the end about how you go out and design your career and design your business that's a very customized thing no one can hand that to you you have to figure that out for yourself all that I can help you with and others if you decide to go read some books or take some seminars I recommend that a lot what they can do is they can get you to figure out the inner game and then you're going to figure out the outer game as you go along right so don't get too hung up on the outer game stuff so that's it I'm done here but before I let you go I have a worksheet for you so go down take a look at the link below click on the free worksheet download it and do the exercises those exercises will help you to take this abstract stuff and drill down and make it concrete because what I want to help you do is to actually really analyze why you behave the way you do with money and that's difficult to do without doing the worksheet so do this worksheet it's very important and that's it I'm signing off so please click the like button for me share this episode with friend put your comments down below and lastly come to actualize it right here come check it out sign up to my newsletter sign up and stay tuned because I have a lot of other topics that I need to talk to you about for mastering your life you know to master your life you really need to master multiple domains of life if you just master one domain of life you're going to be lopsided and your life's not going to go so well and there's a lot of counterintuitive stuff that you need to learn about every single domain of life and you know what your success in life is going to be directly proportional to how you can master the inner game the psychology the psychology of relationships the psychology of emotions the psychology of business psychology of money psychology of health if you can master the psychology of all those and more then you're going to have the strongest foundation the strongest root system and then the fruits that you will get will be so amazing that you will not even believe it but it will take some time for that tree to start to sprout the fruit take some time so what I encourage you to do is to buy into the vision decide that you're really going to take mastering your psychology seriously that you really want to self actualize and that you're making this as part of your whole life journey is to be growing it's really the most fascinating thing you can do in your life is to be growing and to be learning how to grow better so that's what I'm here to do is I'm here to support you with the theory the techniques the resources and ideas that you need to make that a reality so stay tuned with me in the future and I'll see you soon with more you